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 The Most Beautiful Names of ALLAH

اذهب الى الأسفل 
3 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة


الجنس : ذكر عدد الرسائل : 32
العمر : 36
الموقع : tunisia
السٌّمعَة : 4
نقاط : 5323
تاريخ التسجيل : 09/01/2010

The Most Beautiful Names of ALLAH Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: The Most Beautiful Names of ALLAH   The Most Beautiful Names of ALLAH Emptyالخميس مارس 04, 2010 11:35 pm

1. Allah: The True deity.

2. Al Rahmaan, Ar Ra7maan: The Beneficent, The Most Gracious.

3. Al Raheem, Ar Ra7eem: The Most Merciful, The Merciful.

4. Al Malik: The Sovereign, The King, The Master.

5. Al Qoddoous: The Holy One, The Blessed.

6. Al Salaam, As Salaam: The Source of Peace and Tranquility.

7. Al Mo'min, Al Mo2min: The Guardian of Faith.

8. Al Mohaymin: The Preserver of Safety.

9. Al 'Aazeez, Al 3azeez: The Exalted in Might, The Unbeatable.

10. Al Jabbaar: The Irresistible, He Who Cures, Mends and Fixes broken bones, He Who Cures, Mends and Fixes Broken Bones, Shattered Souls, Minds and Hearts.

11. Al Motakabbir: The Supreme.

12. Al Khaalique, Al 7'aalique: The Creator.

13. Al Baary', Al Baary2: The Evolver.

14. Al Musawwir: The Bestower or Giver of Forms and Shapes.

15. Al Ghaffaar, Al 3'affaar: The Oft-Forgiving.

16. Al Qahhaar: The Irresistible Supreme.

17. Al Wahhaab: The One Who Grants and Offers Bounties without measure.

18. Al Razzaaque, Ar Razzaaque: The Sustainer, The Provider, The One Who Continuously Provides.

19. Al Fattaah, Al Fattaa7: The Decider, The Disposer of Affairs, The Organizer,
The Separator.

20. Al 'Aleem, Al 3aleem: The All-Knowing.

21. Al Qaabidh: The One Who Contracts or Withdraws provisions, the One Who Collects (the souls at death).

22. Al Baasit: The Expander, The One Who Expands the Chests of His servants, The Extender, The One Who Extends Provisions.

23. Al Khaafidh, Al 7'aafidh: The One Who Demeans, Debases and Lowers people.

24. Al Raafi', Ar Raafi3: The One Who Elevates, Promotes and Raises people.

25. Al Mo'iz, Al Mo3iz: He Who Gives Pride, Honour an Dignity to the believers.

26. Al Mothil: He Who Disgraces and Humiliates the disbelievers, the unbelievers or the infidels.

27. Al Samee', As Samee3: The All-Hearing, The All-Listening.

28. Al Baseer: The All- Seeing, The All-Viewing, The All-Observing , The All-Inspecting, The All-Examining, The All-Analyzing.

29. Al Hakam, Al 7akam: The Judge, The Evaluator, The Referee, The Umpire.

30.Al 'Adl, Al 3adl: The Impartial, The Unprejudiced, The Just, The Equitable, He Who is Evenhanded He Who is Just, He Who is Fair.

31. Al Laateef: He Who Approaches and Deals with the finest mysteries.

32. Al Khabeer, Al 7'abeer: The Well Acquainted, The Proficient, The Skillful, The Expert.

33.Al Haleem, Al 7aleem: The Most Forbearing, The Tolerant.

34.Al 'Aatheem, Al 3atheem: The Magnificent, The Great, The Supreme, The Glorious, The Supreme in Glory, The Exalted, The Exalted in Might.

35. Al Ghafoour, Al 3'afoour: The Oft-Forgiving, The Oft-Absolving, The Oft-Screening, The Oft-Veiling.

36. Al Shakoour, Ash Shakoour: The One Who is Most Ready to Appreciate Worship and Service, The Self-Thanking.

37. Al 'Aley, Al 3aley: The Most High, The Elevated.

38. Al Kabeer: The Great, The Magnificent, Magnum.

39. Al Hafeeth, Al 7afeeth: The Cherisher, The Watcher over all things and matters, The Keeper of Safety.

40. Al Moqeet: He Who Assigns Every Matter in Time, He Who Measures Time.

41. Al Haseeb, Al 7aseeb: He Who Takes Account Precisely and Quickly.

42. Al Jaleel: The Glorious, The Majestic, The Magnificent.

43. Al Kareem: The Most Honourable, The Most Glorious, The Most Nobel, The Most Generous. He Who is Superior in Honour, Glory, Nobility and Generosity.

44. Al Raqeeb, Ar Raqeeb: The Guardian of Safety, He Who Watches over all things and matters, The Censor.

45. Al Mojeeb: He Who is Capable to Respond to all inquiries and demands, and to Answer all invocations and prayers.

46. Al Waase', Al Waase3: He Who is All-Pervading, The Ubiquitous, The Omnipresent, The Universal.

47. Al Hakeem, Al 7akeem: The Wise, The Judicious, The Prudent.

49.Al Wadooud: The Most Loving, The Most Kind, He Who Shows Love and Kindness to His Creation.

50. Al Baa'eth, Al Baa3eth: He Who Resurrects, The Raiser of the Dead.

51. Al Shaheed, Ash Shaheed: The True Witness, The True Testifier.

52. Al Haque, Al 7aque: The True One, The True God, The True Deity, The Truthful God, The Truthful Deity. The Absolute Truth.

53. Al Wakeel: The Disposer of Affairs, The Trustworthy. He Who Deals with, Manages and Settles all matters and affairs.

54. Al Qawey: The Strong, The Powerful.

55. Al Mateen: The Steadfast, Who is Firm.

56. Al Waley: The Protector, The Guardian, The Defender, The Patron.

57. Al Hameed, Al 7ameed: The One Who is Worth of being Praised, The Praiseworthy, The Self-Praised.

58. Al Mohsy, Al Mo7sy: He Who Counts Accurately, He Who Reckons Precisely, He Who Knows the Exact Value and Measure of everything and every affair and matter, The Statistician, He Who Takes Account and Keeps Record of everything and every matter.

59. Al Mobdy: The Commencer, The One Who Begins, Initiates and Commences Creation, The Revealer.

60. Al Mo'eed, Al Mo3eed: The Repeater, The One Who Repeats Creation.

61. Al Mohyee, Al Mo7yee: The Granter of Life, The One Who Grants Life, He Who Makes to Live, The Giver of Life, He Who Gives Live, He Who Grants Life to all Creatures and Revives the Deed.

62. Al Momeet: The Granter of Death, The One Who Grants Death, He Who Makes to Die, The Giver of Death, He Who Gives Death.

63. Al Hay, Al7ay: The Living God, The Existing, He Who is Perpetually Alive.

64. Al Qayooum: He Who Keeps up and Maintains all, The Sustainer, The Upholder of all Creation, The Dependable, The Steadfast, The Self-Subsisting, He Who is in Charge of His Creation.

65. Al Waajid: The Finder, He Who Finds What He Wills, He Who Gets What He Resolves.

66. Al Maajid: The Glorious, The Magnificent, The Honorable, The Righteous, The Great, The Superb, The Celebrated, The Excellent.

67. Al Waahed, Al Waa7ed: The One, He Who Possesses the Attribute of Al Wahdaaneyyah, which means that He Has No Other Partner Sharing Him His Person, Individuality, Entity or Being or Any of His Attributes, and that He is Unique in Al Eejaad, Creating or Fashioning and Al Tadbeer, Scheming, Designing, Plotting and Planning.

68. Al Ahad, Al A7ad: The Only God, The One and Only, The Single, The Singular, The Outstanding, The Amazing , The Astonishing , The Extraordinary, The Remarkable.

69. Al Samad, As Samad: The Self-Sufficient, The Self-Existing, He Who is Besought by all, on Whom all Depends, and in Whom all Seek Refuge.

70. Al Qaader: He Who Has All the Power and Is Capable to Execute and Fulfill all He Wishes.

71. Al Moqtadir: He Who Prevails over all things and matters.

72. Al Moqaddim: He Who Bring to the Fore, He Who Brings Forward, He Who Brings Earlier, He Who Brings Before Hand, He Who Brings in Advance, He Who Brings Ahead of Time.

73. Al Mo'akh-kher, Al Mo2akher: He Who Delays, He Who Hinders, He Who Sets Back, He Who Impedes, He Who Slows Down.

74. Al Awwal: The First, The Prime, He Whom Nothing Proceeds Him.

75. Al Aakhar: The Last, He Whom Nothing Succeeds Him.

76. Al Thaahir, Ath Thaahir, The Evident. He Who Nothing is Above Him.

77. Al Baatin, The Immanent, He Who Nothing is Beyond Him.
78. Al Waley: The Protector, The Guardian, The Custodian, The Keeper, The Defender, The Patron, The Sponsor, The Benefactor. He Who Patronizes the Matters and Looks After the Affairs of His Creation.

79. Al Mota'aaly, Al Mota3aaly: The Most High, He Who is Elevated, Purified and Elated Far Beyond Description.

80. Al Barr: The Benevolent, The Compassionate, The Benign. He Who is Benevolent to His Creation, Being Charitable to them and Amending their Statuses or Conditions.

81. Al Tawwaab, At Tawwaab: He Who is Oft-Accepting the Remorseful, the Repentant and the Penitent, The Oft-Forgiving. He Who Accepts His Repenting ( Returning ) Servants Again and Again.

82. Al Montaqim: He Who Takes Revenge, Vengeance, Retribution, Retaliation and Reprisal, The Punisher.

83. Al 'Afow, Al 3afou: The Tolerant, He Who Blots out Sins, The Forbearing.

84. Al Ra'oouf, Ar Ra2oouf: The Most Kind, The Most Merciful, The Most Gentle.

85. Maalik El Molk, Maalikil Molk: The Owner of Sovereignty, The Owner of the Kingdom, The Owner of the Dominion, The Owner of the Universe.

86. Thu Al Jalaal Wa Al Ikraam, Thul-Jalaali wal Ikraam: The All Majestic, Bounteous and Honorable. He Who is Full of Dignity, Magnificence and Nobility.

87. Al Moqsit: The Just, He Who is Just, Truthful, Impartial, Fair, Honest and Honourable.

88. Al Jaame', Al Jaame3: The Assembler, He Who Brings Together, He Who Assembles and Gathers Mankind and all Creatures on Resurrection for Account.

89. Al Ghaney: The Rich, The Self-Provident, The Self-Sufficient, He Who is Free of All Want, He Who is Absolutely Independent.

90. Al Moghny: He Who Grants Wealth to His Creatures and Servants. He Who Enriches, He Who Provides and Supplies His Servants with Wealth and Children.

91. Al Maane', Al Maane3: He Who Justly Deprives His Creatures and Servants from His Favours. He Who Impoverishes.

92. Al Daar Al Naafe', Ad Daar-u-Nnaafe3: He Who Has All Power and Is Capable to Harm and Benefit His Creation and Servants.

93. Al Nour, An Nour: The Light of Heavens and Earth. He Who Lightens the Heavens and the Earth.

94. Al Haady: The Guide, He Who Guides the Unbelievers ( the Disbelievers ) from the Darkness of Disbelief, Polytheism, Heedlessness, unto the Light of Belief, Monotheism Assuredness. He Who Guides those Who Believe unto Righteousness.
95. Al Badee', Al Badee3: The Sole Originator of the Heavens and the Earth, He Who is Alone the Originator and Creator of the Heavens and Earth.

96. Al Baaqy: He Who Last ( Endures) Forever Eternally after All Perishes.

97. Al Waarith: The Heir and Inheritor, He Who Inherits the Heavens and the Earth and Whatever Dwells therein, He Who Lasts after All Perishes.

98. Al Rasheed, Ar Rasheed: The Instructor, The Tutor, The Teacher, He Who Shows the Way, He Who Measures, Evaluates, Assesses, Appraises and Judges Perfectly.

99. Al Saboour, As Saboour: The Patient, The Persevering, The Tolerant, The Forbearing, He Who Has Patience, Perseverance, Tolerance and Forbearance with His Disobedient Servants.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مشرفة منتدى اسلاميات
مشرفة منتدى اسلاميات

الجنس : انثى عدد الرسائل : 1609
السٌّمعَة : 197
نقاط : 8247
تاريخ التسجيل : 03/03/2009

The Most Beautiful Names of ALLAH Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: The Most Beautiful Names of ALLAH   The Most Beautiful Names of ALLAH Emptyالجمعة مارس 05, 2010 6:41 am

Allah! there is no god but He! To Him belong the Most Beautiful Names. (Qur'an 20:Cool

"He is Allah, the Creator, the Originator, The Fashioner, to Him belong the most beautiful names: whatever is in the heavens and on earth, do declare His praises and glory. And He is the Exalted in Might, The Wise. (Quran 59:24)

"The most beautiful names belong to God: so call on Him by them;..." (7:180)

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: 'To God belongs 99 names, 100 minus 1, anyone who memorizes them will enter Paradise; He (God) is odd (odd number, he is the Only One), and He loves odd numbers (such as 99)'

Allah (subhanahu wa ta`ala)'s names are not limited to 99, which is a common misconception. There are a couple of evidences, one is the du`aa where one calls upon Allah by the names He (subhanahu wa ta`ala) has kept to Himself (obviously not taking these names since Allah has not revealed them to us); another is the fact that in the narrations of the famous ninety nine names hadith that do contain 99 names, the names are not consistent between narrations (for example, imam al-bayhaqi reports two versions of this hadith, with different 99 names in each). It is suggested by one commentator that the names were not explicitly stated by the rasul (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam).
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل


الجنس : انثى عدد الرسائل : 722
العمر : 36
الموقع : tunisia
السٌّمعَة : 17
نقاط : 5987
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/03/2009

The Most Beautiful Names of ALLAH Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: The Most Beautiful Names of ALLAH   The Most Beautiful Names of ALLAH Emptyالجمعة مارس 05, 2010 7:03 am

The 99 Names of Allah, also known as The 99 Most Beautiful Names of God (Arabic: أسماء الله الحسنى‎ ʾasmāʾ allāh al-Ḥusnā), are the names of God (specifically, attributes) by which Muslims regard God and which are traditionally maintained as described in the Qur'ān, and Sunnah, amongst other places.[1] There is, according to hadith, a special group of 99 names but no enumeration of them. Thus the exact list is not agreed upon, and the names of God (as adjectives, word constructs, or otherwise) exceed 99 in the Qur'ān and Sunnah. Some of the names of God have been hidden from mankind, therefore there are not only 99 names of God but there are more.


As per Islam, the final prophet Muhammad used to call God by all His Names:

اللهم إني ادعوك بأسمائك الحسنى كلها "O Allah, I invoke You with all of Your Beautiful Names."[2]

Muhammad is also reported to have said in a famous hadith:

Verily, there are ninety-nine names of God, one hundred minus one. He who enumerates [and believes in them and the one God behind] them would get into Paradise.[3]

Of note is that this hadith does not say that there are only 99 names, but 99 names that are better than the others. This caused people to search them out in the Qur'an and Sunnah, and a list was compiled. Over time it became custom to recite the list in its entirety. While some Muslims believe that this list is mentioned by Muhammad himself, the specialist Muslim scholars argue strongly that the list was just compiled by a Muslim scholar as an addendum to the actual hadith (al-Waleed ibn Muslim). If it was only an attempt of a scholar, they are not necessarily the names proper, and other attempts may still be made. A recent scholar, Dr. Mahmoud Abdel-Razek, made an attempt of this kind and explained in detail why he differs in opinion with al-Waleed about enlisting some of the names.[4]

However, reciting the traditional names has developed into a ritual by some Muslims as an attempt to enumerate them, while most other Muslims believe that the "enumeration" is not just the act of recitation, but applying the attributes that the names suggest.
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The Most Beautiful Names of ALLAH
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